The Future of Corporate Housing: Trends and Predictions

Corporate housing has become an increasingly popular choice for business travelers, offering a comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional hotels. However, as with any industry, corporate housing is constantly evolving, and there are many emerging trends and predictions for the future of the industry. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key trends and […]

This is the header image for the Capri Temporary Housing blog titled, “The Future of Corporate Housing: Trends and Predictions” The image shows the title against a backdrop of an empty rental apartment with a hand holding keys at the forefront.

This is the header image for the Capri Temporary Housing blog titled, “The Future of Corporate Housing: Trends and Predictions” The image shows the title against a backdrop of an empty rental apartment with a hand holding keys at the forefront.

Corporate housing has become an increasingly popular choice for business travelers, offering a comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional hotels. However, as with any industry, corporate housing is constantly evolving, and there are many emerging trends and predictions for the future of the industry. In this article, we’ll explore some of the key trends and predictions for corporate housing, including changing customer preferences, emerging technologies, evolving business models, and changing city policies.


Changing Customer Preferences

One of the most significant trends in the corporate housing industry is the changing preferences of customers. As the workforce becomes more diverse, so do the needs and preferences of business travelers. For example, younger travelers are increasingly looking for more flexible and personalized accommodation options, while older travelers may prefer more traditional amenities and services.

In response to these changing preferences, many corporate housing providers are focusing on offering a wider range of amenities and services. This may include things like 24-hour concierge services, fitness centers, and pet-friendly accommodations. Providers may also offer more flexible lease terms to cater to the needs of travelers who are unsure about the length of their stay.


Emerging Technologies

Another key trend in the corporate housing industry is the increasing use of technology to enhance the guest experience. From mobile apps to virtual reality tours, technology is playing an increasingly vital role in the way that business travelers interact with their accommodations.

One emerging technology that is particularly exciting for the corporate housing industry is artificial intelligence (AI). AI can help providers to streamline their operations and offer more personalized services to guests. For example, AI-powered chatbots can answer common guest questions and provide recommendations for local restaurants and activities.


Evolving Business Models

Finally, the corporate housing industry is also seeing significant changes in its business models. For example, some providers are moving away from traditional corporate leases and instead offering more flexible and dynamic rental options. This may include short-term rentals, co-living spaces, and even in some cases rentals by the hour.

Another trend is the increasing use of technology to facilitate bookings and payments. Many providers are now offering online booking and payment systems to make the booking process more convenient for travelers. Additionally, some providers are exploring blockchain technology to improve transparency and security in the rental process.


Changing City Policies

The effects of short-term rental (STR) bans on corporate housing can be significant. With the rise of platforms such as Airbnb and VRBO many cities have implemented regulations or outright bans on short-term rentals to preserve housing for permanent residents. While these regulations are aimed primarily at individual hosts, they can also affect corporate housing providers who may rely on short-term rentals as a source of inventory.

As a result, corporate housing providers may need to adjust their business models or seek out alternative sources of inventory to continue to provide housing options for their clients. In some cases, this may result in higher costs for corporate housing or a reduced availability of options.


This image is a monochromatic image of a wooden house and dice with the words “for rent”. This is the supporter image used for the Capri Temporary Housing blog titled, “The Future of Corporate Housing: Trends and Predictions”



The corporate housing industry is undergoing significant changes, driven by changing customer preferences, emerging technologies, evolving business models, and changing city policies. To stay competitive in this rapidly changing industry, providers will need to be agile and adaptable, offering a wide range of amenities and services, leveraging technology to enhance the guest experience, and exploring new and innovative rental models. By embracing these trends and predictions, corporate housing providers can position themselves for success in the years to come.